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UIR Conferred Honorary Professorship on Distinguished International Relations Expert

来源: 日期:2018-05-03作者: 浏览量:

UIR Conferred Honorary Professorship on

Distinguished International Relations Expert

The honorary professorship presentation ceremony to Dr. Barry Buzan was held in the Press Conference Room of the Academic Exchange Center on April 26, 2018. President Tao Jian presented the honorary professorship certificate to Dr. Barry Buzan and Vice President Wu Hui presented a gift to him. Assistant President Da Wei, faculty and staff members and students of UIR were also present at the ceremony.


President Tao presented the honorary professorship certificate to Dr. Barry Buzan


Vice President Wu presented a gift to Dr. Barry Buzan

After the ceremony, Professor Buzan delivered a speech named “Towards a Global IR: Reflections on IR at 100”. In his speech, Dr. Buzan made a comprehensive overview of the five periods of international relations, namely, the 19th century and the First World War, interwar years and Second World War, Cold War and Decolonization, post-Cold War and IR at present and in the future. He concluded his speech by pointing out that first, IR will continue to reflect ir, while also keeping its own internal dynamics, second, the boundary between core and periphery in IR will continue to erode, and third, some big questions of China. After the speech, Dr. Buzan answered questions raised by teachers and students.

The academic interaction between UIR and Dr. Buzan started from 2014 when he participated and delivered keynote speech at the international security conference held by UIR. Since then, Dr. Buzan has visited UIR frequently, published academic papers in the UIR journal International Security Studies, and provided valuable professional suggestions and inspirations for the development of the Journal and UIR’s academic research in national and international security.


Dr. Barry Buzan delivers a speech and answers questions from teachers and students

Barry Buzan is Professor Emeritus at the LSE (previously Montague Burton Professor), Senior Fellow at LSE IDEAS and fellow of the British Academy. He has published 26 books and more than 150 articles and chapters, and has lectured, broadcast or presented papers in thirty countries. (Photos by Chen Dingding)